Project Greenlight

Innovation challenges for smart cities

Project Greenlight is a technology demonstration platform that connects enterprises and innovators to fast-track pilot projects and accelerate innovation.

Project Greenlight members share bold visions to better serve their customers and stakeholders, with aggressive targets to become smarter, more digitally-enabled, and more sustainable.

Project Greenlight’s open challenges offer small-and medium-sized companies an opportunity to pitch their ideas and technologies to public and private enterprises. Members evaluate proposals on an ongoing basis, selecting those that best fit their needs.

Project Highlights

Cohesive brand

Complete with a wordmark, colour palette, typography system and icon set, the resulting brand identity worked well across all digital platforms and spoke to the innovative, progressive nature of the program.

Frictionless user expereince

Project Greenlight was designed to make it easy for small, growing companies to connect directly with larger enterprises. Similarly, the website had to be easy to use to make that objective possible. With very few user-reported bugs and several innovators who applied to multiple challenges, it's safe to say we met this criteria.

New user growth

Coupled with a successful partnership model managed my the program manager, effective paid & organic social campaigns, and a hard working website, Project Greenlight grew its membership to over 380 companies in its first two years, 56% of which went on to complete an application.

Low cost, high impact

After extensive research and testing, I identified a select list of tools and plugins that enabled specific processes requested by the program manager and helped automate certain CRM workflows. Using out-of-the-box solutions in a unique way allowed us to save significantly on development.

Client Goals

Project Greenlight was spearheaded by John McPherson, a clean tech sector development expert with over 15 years in the local ecosystem. Designed to help the Metro Vancouver region reach it's ambitions sustainabiltiy and digital transformation goals, Project Greenlight needed a modern, digital-first platform that appealed to large enterprises and startups alike.

Project Greenlight needed:

Brand Identity


Primary Logo
Primary Logo - Reverse

Colour Palette

Logo & submark
Backgrounds & text
Illustration & Accents
Logo & submark
Illustration & Accents
Illustration & Accents
Buttons & links
Graphic accents




While the initial website build was completed by a local agency, I served as creative director and project manager for the build of core pages. The initial website designs for the homepage, about page, and member pages were designed using a style guide + wireframe that I provided to the agency.

During the initial build, I identified opportunities to vastly improve the usability of the site by building in advanced membership features, a more robust application system and automated email flows. To accomplish this on our extremely tight budget, I conducted extensive research and testing of various Wordpress plugins and tools to create a unique combination that allowed us to enable all of the features we were looking for.

After the initial launch, I took over the web design for new pages (blog, blog posts, member dashboards, innovator dashboards, and application review pages) and handed my designs off to a contracted developer to build.


Content Management
Easy creation and maintenance of site-wide content
Membership System
Seamless data transfer between website, CRM, and Email
Instant customer service and automated lead nurturing
Email Marketing
Automated notifications to users and brand awareness
Form System
Dynamic form builder used to capture applications
Application Management
Flexible display of data collected by forms, plus user editing
Dynamic Forms
Enables form automations for improved UX
Built-in search engine optimization tool


Social Media

Let's work together

If you have any questions or want to learn more about what I can do for your company, please reach out to me through my website or via LinkedIn.

Contact Me

Much of the work I do in supporting local organizations occurs on the unceeded lands of many nations including the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səĺilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) and kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem) people which are now also home to First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. As work commonly happens both remotely and in-person, land acknowledgements allow us to engage in ongoing reconciliation by reflecting on individual connection with and responsibility to the land.